PTAC Training Portal

The Provincial Transfer Authorization Centre (PTAC) is funded by the Ministry of Health and administered on its behalf by Ornge.  PTAC maintains a database of patient transfers into/out of and within the province of Ontario.  In the event of an infectious disease outbreak, PTAC also offers an online tool to screen for respiratory diseases prior to inter-facility patient transport within Ontario.

We have included short training videos to help guide you through various steps of your process, please select one of the training sections below:

Welcome to PTAC

Administrator Functions
Submitting a Patient Transfer Request
Screening Questions and Completing Your Request
My Facility
Patient Transfer Status Board


Welcome to PTAC

PTAC maintains a database of patient transfers within the province Ontario. During an infectious disease outbreak, PTAC also offers an online tool to screen for respiratory diseases prior to inter-facility patient transport within Ontario. PTAC uses an online portal to process transfer requests. 

This online system is easy, secure, private and fast. You can access the PTAC portal online, or watch the video below to learn more!

Administrator Functions

A PTAC administrator is responsible for approving and maintaining user accounts for their facility. The video below outlines the process to approve users who created an account themselves, and to make other administrative changes.

Submitting a Patient Transfer Request

Once you have created your account, and it’s approved, you are ready to create a PTAC request online.

Watch the video below to learn how to update your profile page, select a transport priority, transport service provider, update patient information and sending/receiving facility.

Screening Questions and Completing Your Request

After you finish entering all the required information, you will see a preview screen where you will have the chance to review all of your information.

Please watch the video below to learn more.

My Facility

The “My Facility” tab has some helpful functions for facilities with multiple patients being transferred. This section provides information about the facility. You will also notice that your facility is categorized according to whether you are currently experiencing an outbreak.

Watch the video below to learn more.

Patient Transfer Status Board

Staff in healthcare facilities across Ontario are able to check the status of their Ornge patient transfer using the Patient Transfer Status Board.

Please watch the video below to learn more.