Dr. Shah wearing a stethoscope in front of a blue background

AAL Profile: Dr. Sparsh Shah

July 8, 2024

8 July, 2024



| By: Par:

Sneha Tailor

I am passionate about pre-hospital medicine and am eager to learn from the team at Ornge. I look forward to collaborating with and learning from the exceptional professionals at Ornge and work together to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities across Ontario. - Dr. Sparsh Shah

Meet Dr. Sparsh Shah a dedicated physician in his final year of Emergency Medicine training. Dr. Shah is embarking on an exciting journey as an Area of Advanced Learning (AAL) resident with Ornge. We spoke with Dr. Shah about why he applied to the program, what he’s hoping to learn, and the skills he wants to improve on.
What is your role with Ornge?
I’m in my final year of Emergency Medicine training and I will be an Area of Advanced Learning (AAL) resident with Ornge where I will clinically work with and learn from the team at Ornge to provide care and transport to critically ill or injured patients.
Can you describe your academic background and where you are on your educational journey?
I completed my undergraduate HBA degree at Ivey Business School in Western University in 2016. After that, I did my MD at the University of Toronto alongside a MSc in Systems, Leadership, and Innovation and graduated in 2020.
I am currently in my final year of University of Toronto's five-year FRCPC Emergency Medicine residency program. During this year, our program allows us to do extra training within an area of interest, which is how I found myself doing the resident rotation with Ornge.
What attracted you to apply for the Ornge AAL Resident Rotation and how do you think it will contribute to your career development?
I developed an interest in pre-hospital medicine during medical school. By doing electives within the field during residency, I got to explore the type of work that pre-hospital healthcare professionals and I found excitement in the challenges that they have to overcome. I believe this experience will contribute to my career development by providing me with valuable hands-on experience and exposure to a wide range of clinical scenarios that are not typically encountered in hospital settings. This experience will also give me a deeper understanding into the operations involved in delivering pre-hospital care, and potentially open doors for a career in pre-hospital health leadership.
What are you hoping to learn during your AAL Resident Rotation with Ornge?
During my AAL Resident Rotation with Ornge, I am excited to gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in providing care in uniquely challenging environments. I hope to learn not only the technical aspects of critical care transport but also the importance of effective communication and teamwork in delivering optimal patient outcomes. I am excited to explore innovative approaches to patient care that Ornge is known for, which I believe will enhance my problem-solving skills and adaptability as a future emergency physician.
Given the unique challenges of air and land critical care transport, what are you most excited about, and what do you anticipate will be the most challenging aspect of the role?
The unique challenges posed by air and land critical care transport present an opportunity for personal and professional growth. I am particularly excited about the problem solving elements of the role and the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in patients' lives.
However, I anticipate that the most challenging aspect will be grasping the coordination and decision-making required in rapidly evolving situations, while ensuring patient safety and comfort. Additionally, working and performing patient care tasks within a novel clinical environment will push me outside my comfort zone, but also help me grow and develop as a clinician.
What clinical skills are you looking to improve when it comes to the management of critically ill and injured patients in a pre-hospital setting?
I am hoping to improve my ability to assess and manage critically ill and injured patients in a pre-hospital setting. One clinical element I want to get better at is determining the underlying diagnosis and subsequently managing a critically ill patient who may be decompensating, without the luxury of diagnostic tests or imaging that I would have in a hospital setting.
I also hope to enhance my skills in advanced airway management, trauma resuscitation, and critical care procedures and interventions within resource limited environments. Through this experience, I am looking to gain skills in the technical aspects of critical care transport including managing IV pumps, ventilators, arterial line monitors, and other equipment used in transport.

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