Inquiries Process
We actively seek feedback from patients and their family members, healthcare providers and others. Your feedback will help us continuously improve our service.
If your inquiry is patient transport related, please contact our Patient Advocate or provide your comments by filling out the form below.
Once your compliment or complaint is received, we will:
- Acknowledge your inquiry within 1-2 business days
- Explain the concerns process and what to expect in terms of follow up
- Clarify issues and details with you
- Provide you with a timeline and contact information
- Involve our Director of Quality so that the patient’s interests will always be in the forefront of our improvement efforts
- Investigate through a variety of methods that may include reviewing health and transport records, listening to audio taped conversations, interviews with staff involved
- Contact you with the findings to provide you clarification and resolution
- Follow up, as necessary if outstanding questions
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care are aware of all patient care and service complaints/compliments received by Ornge, and may choose to conduct an independent investigation.