Booking a Transport with Ornge?

If this is a Life or Limb Call, please contact CritiCall: 1-800-668-4357 (HELP).

  • Step 1: Obtain an MT Number through the Provincial Transfer Access Centre (PTAC) 
    (Please note: Nursing Stations may skip this step)
  • Step 2: Contact our Operations Control Centre at 1.833.401.5577. Ornge Communications Officers are available 24/7.

Booking a Life or Limb Transport?

To book a Life or Limb Patient Transport, please contact Criticall Ontario to initiate the process: 1.800.668.4357 (HELP)

Booking a Patient Transport with Ornge

To book an inter-facility Emergent, Urgent or Non-Urgent patient transport with Ornge, please follow the instructions below:

STEP 1: Request MT Number

Obtain an MT number through the Provincial Transfer Authorization Centre (PTAC), an online portal which is easy, secure, private and efficient. In most cases, you will receive an MT number within seconds.

(NOTE: Nursing Stations can go directly to Step 2)

What information do I need to request a MT number?

To obtain an MT number you will be required to have the following information readily available:

  1. Transfer Date:
    • Same Day
    • Next Day
  2. Transfer Priority:
    • Emergent,
    • Urgent,
    • Non-Urgent
  3. Transport Service Provider anticipated
  4. Patient Demographic information and Health Card Number
  5. Sending Healthcare Facility (including Unit, Room# and Physician)
  6. Receiving Healthcare Facility (including Unit, Room# and Physician)
  7. Primary Diagnosis or Reason for Transfer
  8. Infectious Screening information
Obtaining an MT number does not book patient transport. Once you receive your MT number, please have the number readily available and contact the appropriate transport service provider:
  1. Ornge Air and/or Critical Care Land Ambulance,
  2. Local Land Ambulance,
  3. Private Transfer/MTS Service,
  4. Family Vehicle
  5. Other

STEP 2: Contact Our Operations Control Centre

To book a patient transport with Ornge for patients meeting the scope of service requirements, contact our Operations Control Centre at 1.833.401.5577. A Communications Officer is available 24/7 to complete transfer booking requests for Ornge air and/or Critical Care Land Ambulances.

To enhance our clinical/customer service and mitigate logistical challenges, please be prepared to answer the following questions and/or verify the following information during the booking process:

What information do I need for the phone call?

To enhance our clinical/customer service and mitigate logistics challenges, please be prepared to answer the following questions and/or verify the following information during the booking process:

  1. General Patient information:
  • MT Number,
  • Patient Name,
  • Sending facility (including Unit, Room# and Physician),
  • Receiving facility (including Unit, Room# and Physician),
  • Health Card Number,
  • Age/Date of Birth,
  • Patient Contact Number
  • Weight (KG) (NOTE: Additional measurements [cm] will be requested for patients over 110 KG)
  • Emergency Contact Information
    • ​Name
    • Relationship
    • Phone Number
    • Confirm if Power of Attorney for Personal Care
  1. Infectious Concerns and/or precautions currently in place
  2. Medical and/or family escort(s) information, if applicable (name, weight, and contact number) 

​NOTE: Ornge requires Sending Healthcare Facilities to arrange and provide an appropriate medical escort(s) for Treatment and Return (T&R) transfers, unless there is an established exception to such requirement (TBRHSC Stable Cardiac Patient Form, TBRHSC Diagnostic Imaging, Timmins and District Hospital Diagnostic Imaging)

​NOTE: Every effort is made to accommodate one family member. There are a number of considerations, such as fuel and weight limitations. In some instances, it may not be possible for a family member to join the patient during transport. 


  1. Date and time patient arrived at facility
  2. Primary Diagnosis: Symptoms or information related to specific diagnosis (relevant lab results, treatments provided, blood gases, vent settings etc.)
  3. History of present illness/injury
  4. Treatment provided in last 12 hours
  5. Past medical information pertinent to current clinical care
  6. Code Status: Full code, Do not resuscitate (imminent or non-imminent).
  7. Any known drug allergies
  8. Equipment/Lines/Tubes/Drugs anticipated/required during transport:  Specific information related to equipment or drugs needed such as high flow nasal cannual settings (gas flow and Fraction of Inspired Oxygen)
  9. Vital Signs: Time, pulse, blood pressure, aspiratory rate etc.
  10. Tracheostomy: Date the trach inserted, indication for the trach, size & type of trach, is it currently sutured in place.
An Ornge Transport Medicine Physician (paediatric and adult) is available to have a direct conversation about the condition of your patient. 

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