Booking a Transport with Ornge?

If this is a Life or Limb Call, please contact CritiCall: 1-800-668-4357 (HELP).

  • Step 1: Obtain MT Number through the Provincial Transfer Access Centre (PTAC) 
    (Please note: Nursing Stations may skip this step)
  • Step 2: Contact our Operations Control Centre at 1.833.401.5577. Ornge Communications Officers are available 24/7.

Special Operations

Some specialized requests for patient transport may require additional time and logistical planning based on asset specifications/capabilities restrictions, and/or specific clinical care that restricts paramedic level of care/configuration requirements.

See below for more information on:
  • Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
  • Intra-Aortic Baloon Pump (IABP)
  • Pathogens

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)

ECMO use in Ontario is increasing, primarily to support patients with refractory hypoxemic failure, but patients requiring ECMO prior to transport present transport challenges due to equipment, staffing, distance and complex transfer logistics.  Ornge paramedics and ground transport assets may be able to support an ECMO Team transport within reasonable ground transport radius; greater distances will introduce additional clinical and logistical challenges.

Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump

Only Arrow ACAT II IABP units shall be transported by Ornge.  All IABP patient transport presents restrictive Ornge asset and paramedic crew configuration challenges. Ornge is able to respond to IABP transports from the Greater Toronto Area, Peterborough and Thunder Bay.


Transport of patients with highly infectious pathogens may require specialized planning, logistics, equipment and/or team composition. Please contact Ornge to discuss the transport of these patients.

Treatment and Return Transfers

Ornge requires Sending Healthcare Facilities to arrange a medical escort to be provided for Treatment and Return (T&R) transfers, unless there is an established exception to such requirement:
  • TBRHSC Stable Cardiac Patient Form,
  • TBRHSC Diagnostic Imaging,
  • Timmins and District Hospital Diagnostic Imaging

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