Booking a Transport with Ornge?

If this is a Life or Limb Call, please contact CritiCall: 1-800-668-4357 (HELP).

  • Step 1: Obtain MT Number through the Provincial Transfer Access Centre (PTAC) 
    (Please note: Nursing Stations may skip this step)
  • Step 2: Contact our Operations Control Centre at 1.833.401.5577. Ornge Communications Officers are available 24/7.


The following describes the equipment used on our vehicles based on level of care

What equipment supplies are found on PCP transports?

Aircraft/land vehicles with a PCP(f) on board will include a Lifepak 12 or Zoll X (LP12/Zoll) monitor defibrillator that can perform the following: non-invasive blood pressure monitoring, heart rate monitoring, and oxygen saturation monitoring and semi-automatic defibrillation.
The following is a simplified equipment and supplies list found on all Primary Care Vehicles:


Oxygen delivery means (adult and paediatric masks such as simple, non-rebreather, nebulizer, nasal cannula)

BVM with oxygen reservoir and assorted
resuscitation masks (adult, paediatric and infant)

Portable and “M” size oxygen cylinders with
regulator for in-flight administration

Set of oral and nasal airways

VVAC suction unit (hand held unit) with spare




Wall Mounted suction unit

Suction tubing, Yankeur suction tips and various
sized suction catheters



Triangular bandages

Nitrile gloves

Kling, gauze pads, pressure dressings – various sizes

Antiseptic hand cleaner

Blood pressure cuff (adult & paediatric)

Hypo allergenic and adhesive tape

Toilet paper roll, Tissues, Towelettes

500 ml sterile saline


Digital thermometer

Reflective foil type disposable emergency blankets

Surgical face masks

Emesis bags and basins


Incontinent pads

Eye pads/Band-Aids

Cold packs




Multi-purpose upper arm/lower leg splints (i.e.
Speed and Quick Splints)

Assorted cervical collars (baby, paediatric, no neck, short, regular, tall)

Spinal immobilization (Kendrick extrication device -

Scoop stretcher– with quick
connect straps

Towel rolls for cervical immobilization




Obstetrical Kit

Burn Kit



Glucometer with tests strips and lancets

Alcohol swabs

Band-Aids and gauze pads (6 cm x 6 cm)

Syringes – 1 cc and 3 cc with needle

ASA (80 mg tablets in bottles of 24)

Ventolin nebules (2.5, 5 mg)

Epinephrine 1:1000 (1 ml ampoules)

Glucagon (1 mg)

Nitroglycerine (NTG) (0.4 mg/metered dose spray, 75 doses)

Gravol (50 mg ampules and PO)

Narcan (2 mg ampules)

Toradol (30 mg ampules)



Small disposable sharps container

250 ml and 1000 ml bags of N/S

Intraosseous needles: #15, #16, #18

Pressure infuser bags

I.V. tubing: Macro drips, Micro drip, Blood Admin. Sets

Disposable I.V. catheters: 14 -24 gauge

Assorted syringes and needleless “needles”

Tourniquets, Tegaderm or Op-Site clear sterile dressings, Disposable razor

What equipment and supplies are found on ACP transports?

Aircraft/land vehicles with an advanced care flight paramedic on board include:

  • LTV 1200 (LTV) mechanical ventilator (capable of providing volume / pressure support).
  • Allaris 3 multi-chamber infusion pumps and a LifePak 12 or Zoll X Series.
  • Defibrillator/Cardioversion/ Transcutaneous Pacer-Monitor capable of non-invasive blood pressure monitoring (NIBP).
  • ECG (4 and 12 Lead).
  • end tidal CO2, temperature monitoring, as well as oxygen saturation monitoring.
  • Select Advanced Care bases are also equipped with isolettes.

The following is a simplified equipment and supplies list found on all Advanced Care Vehicles:


Endotracheal tubes (sizes 2.5 - 9.0)

Magill – adult and paediatric

Laryngoscope with blades (MacIntosh and Miller)

Stylet (adult and paediatric), Bougie and syringes

Lidocaine spray 10 mg with nozzle

Rusch Quick Trach

LMA (sizes 3 – 5) / King LTS-D Airway (3,4,5)

Neosynephrine 0.25% spray

Tube ties and ETT adapter

Roll of waterproof tape

Endotrol nasotracheal tubes (sizes 6 – 8)

Water soluble lubricant

Needle chest decompression kit and Asherman Chest Seal



Small disposable sharps container

250 ml and 1000 ml bags of N/S & 1000ml Ringer’s Lactate

I.V. tubing: Macro drips, Micro drip, Saline locks, Blood Administration Sets

Tourniquets, Tegaderm or Op-Site clear sterile dressings, Disposable razor

Intraosseous needles: #15, #18

Disposable I.V. catheters: 14 -24 gauge

Assorted syringes and needleless adapters

Pressure infuser bags



Nasogastric Tubes – various sizes

Foley Catheters – various sizes

Chest Drainage System


Critical Care Vehicle Equipment and Supplies List
Aircraft/land vehicles with critical care paramedics on board is comprised of the equipment and supplies that are listed for the Primary Care Vehicles and the Advanced Care Vehicles plus the following:

  • OBS/Vascular Doppler and a LifePak 12 or Zoll X Series are capable of transducing arterial and central lines
  • Transvenous pacemakers. 
  • Select Critical Care bases are also equipped with Arrow AutoCat II Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump devices. 
Note: Only Arrow AutoCat II IABP devices may be transported by Ornge aircraft/land ambulance. Hospitals using other devices should contact Ornge to discuss logistical considerations prior to transport.

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