Ornge launches Patient Transfer Status Board
September 18, 2018
18 September, 2018
By: Par: Operations Control Centre
Starting Tuesday, September 18, 2018 staff in healthcare facilities across Ontario will be able to check the status of their Ornge patient transfer using a new Patient Transfer Status Board (Status Board). The Status Board was developed to provide healthcare facilities with consistent updates regarding patient transfers and to help improve the overall experience after a patient transfer has been booked with Ornge.
The Status Board will be accessible through the Provincial Transfer Authorization Centre website and will display when:
- A patient transfer has been booked with Ornge, but an asset has not yet been assigned;
- A patient transfer has been scheduled with “estimated” times for departure and arrival at the designated landing site or airport;
- An assigned asset has arrived at the specified airport/helipad;
- An assigned asset has been diverted/rescheduled due to unforeseen reasons such as weather, triage or mechanical.
To help facilities locate, navigate and understand the Status Board, please see the Patient Transfer Status Board Training video below.
In addition to the training video, Ornge has developed a Patient Status Board Reference Sheet which may be posted near a computer in high traffic staff areas.

Should you have any questions regarding the functionality of the Status Board or have any suggestions to improve the board, please e-mail OCCquality@ornge.ca. For general information, visit our Healthcare Partner portal online: www.ornge.ca/healthcare.