
Corporate Policies

Please see a list of corporate related policies below. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA)

Ornge is committed to the provision of services to people with disabilities in a manner consistent with the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity. For more information please view our AODA Policy or our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan


The decisions made by Ornge’s volunteer Board of Directors are governed by a series of bylaws that dictate how the board operates and how these decisions get made. For more information, please view Bylaw No 1E.

Whistleblower Policy

As part of its commitment to improving transparency, Ornge has developed a Whistleblower Policy for staff that will protect the identity of anyone disclosing wrongdoing within the organization, and shield him or her from reprisal. This policy has established an Independent Ethics Officer to receive disclosures of wrongdoing and to determine appropriate handling and investigation steps.   

Conflict of Interest Policy

Ornge employees and Board members are expected to conduct themselves with personal integrity, ethics, honesty and diligence in performing their duties for the organization. Employees and board members are required to support and advance the interests of the organization and avoid placing themselves in situations where their personal interests actually or potentially conflict with the interests of Ornge.

Learn more about Ornge’s Conflict of Interest policy, or view the Conflict of Intrerest Annual Declaration of Compliance.

Perquisites Policy

As part of the broader public sector, Ornge employees must follow a Perquisites Policy. Perquisites (more commonly known as “perqs”) are gifts, benefits, or hospitality given or received by employees as a direct result of their position.

Travel and Expense Policy

As part of the Broader Public Sector, Ornge is bound by the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (BPSAA) and the Broader Public Expenses Directive issued by Management Board of Cabinet effective April 1, 2011. Accordingly, Ornge has established expense reimbursement rules applicable to Board members, employees and consultants and contractors engaged by the organization. The Expenses Directive and Ornge’s Expense Reimbursement Rules apply to travel, meal and hospitality expenses.